I realized over a short period of time that my body was responding positively, and I felt relief from the pain and inflammation!
As I reduced the number of pills I took every day and continued taking the flaxseed oil, the side effects from the medications waned, and I was beginning to feel so much better.
After three months of supplementing with flaxseed oil, I stopped taking the prescribed medications for Crohn’s Disease entirely.
Diet modification, combined with taking the fresh-pressed flaxseed oil, changed my approach to managing my health problems, and my improved condition testifies to that flaxseed oil’s repair work within my body.
This struggle that initially took a heavy toll on my life has now shaped my true calling.
I recognized that high-quality oils, perhaps of all kinds, could help others improve their overall health as well. Over the next 14 months, my journey towards creating a purer oil, and oil press, began to unfold.
During this time, I would also realize that in order to make my dream a reality, and also for the freedom to create a better life for my young daughter, I would need to move my family to the United States.
In September of 2007, with the help of a sponsor, I moved my family of three from Germany to Los Angeles, California; each of us bringing a single suitcase.
The following month, I had a clear vision to create a new, revolutionary oil press.
Other producers of seed oils that I had seen didn't understand how much care is needed to go into the seed oil extraction and bottling process.
They would use techniques like dilution and mechanical grinding to mass produce their formulas, which is both inefficient, and often results in an overall less quality oil.
These poor practices also allow for metals to potentially contaminate the oil, and for the oil to oxidize and spoil faster in storage.
I wanted to create something that was very different from what was offered on the market…
A seed pressing solution that used no grinding, no metals, no oxidation, and no dilution.
This vision would become a reality soon enough, but would not be available to me until two years later...
In 2008, we purchased our first inventory of seeds and bottles and began pressing just one bottle of Premium Flax Seed Oil per day from a small, modified press.
And out of this, Andreas Seed Oils was born!
As our lives changed with the seasons, my business began to grow. I continued producing seed oils and distributing them myself throughout the greater Los Angeles area, increasing my reach and my collection as I progressed.