The Number One Way To Help Promote Well-Being… No Matter What Diet You Choose
In the last 20 years, we’ve heard it all preached to us.
Near the end of the 70s, they said cut your salt intake.
In the early 80s experts said said eating fat was bad.
In the 90s they told us to stop consuming sugar.
In the 2000’s there was a war on bread (remember the Atkins diet?)
Well… We now know there are things like healthy fats, naturally sourced sugars and you can’t cut salt completely.
We also know that ancient grains aren’t bad for you, but all of these things can be consumed in moderation.
BUT… There is one thing most experts agree on today.
The root cause of many common health issues humanity faces.
Chronic inflammation.
When we hear the word inflammation, we typically think of infections or injuries.
However, chronic inflammation is usually invisible. It can hide easily in the gums, gut or even in our joints or heart muscle.
Diet is one of the biggest factors - but this oil helps
Healthy foods can help:
- Regulate fatty acid balance to support a proper inflammatory response.
- Neutralize free radicals through a rich supply of antioxidants.
- Inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines and pathways.
- Enhance immune system function to manage inflammation more effectively.
The Difference Five Seed Makes
The combination of pumpkin seed oil, black sesame seed oil, flax seed oil, coriander seed oil, and sunflower seed oil provides a comprehensive anti-inflammatory effect.
The blend provides a good mix of healthy fats like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. These fats are essential for keeping your body’s inflammation in check, and the omega-3 fats from flax seed oil are especially good at calming things down.
Another great benefit is that each of these oils is packed with antioxidants.
Antioxidants are like warriors fighting harmful substances.
The compounds in these oils also help reduce the production of certain chemicals that cause inflammation, like TNF-α and IL-6.
Combining these oils also helps your immune system stay balanced.
This means it can effectively fight off infections without causing too much inflammation in the process, which is crucial for maintaining good health.
Eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods is difficult.
Some areas don’t have access to fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meats year round. Sometimes they’re pricey or take extra time to prepare.
Not everyone has time for that!
See Our Time Saving Five Seed Here
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team