A Remedy You Can Turn To When Other Skin Products Don't Work
She Tried Many Products To Relieve Her Rash
A customer of ours in her 40s had an inflamed itchy patch of skin that would not go away.
Her Doctors prescribed fungal creams, antibiotics and a whole host of other solutions, but none worked. Even the local naturopath's suggestions and supplements didn't help.
This oil taken twice a day is what got rid of it
Experts told her antibiotic resistant skin conditions like this are usually caused by gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus (MRSA).
She started researching what was already in her cupboard for natural products that were known to help rid these types of bacteria, and that's how she made the discovery.
Most skin problems aren’t just skin related.
You’ve likely heard about how the bacteria (good or bad) present in the gut have an incredible impact on every aspect of our bodies… but one of the oldest spices in human history (when in a concentrated form like this) has incredible skin repair benefits!
One of the reasons? It’s capable of killing many strains of bacteria, including those that cause MRSA and other skin conditions.(1)
Scientists writing for the Journal of Medical Microbiology noted it’s likely why it’s been used for centuries in treating fungal infections, digestion and even pain relief.
In the same study mentioned above, 40 healthy volunteers didn’t even experience any skin irritation with regular use!
You can rub it directly on pimples, nail fungus, eczema and warts.
It’s actually quite an effective antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory seed extract that’s worth keeping in the cupboard or purse when travelling.
The best part is, you can also eat it!
Consider using it like a natural supplement, taking it once in the morning and again at night.
Don't take it at the same time as food, and 45 mins before or after yoghurt or probiotics.
It's packed with nutrients too!
Coriander is naturally a rich source of manganese, iron, and magnesium.
Our oil is loaded with Vitamin K, Vitamin C and plant based protein. There’s also a small amount of potassium, carotene and niacin which all benefit the skin.
Digestive health can have a noticeable effect on your skin. When your gut is healthy and balanced, the skin tends to follow.
That’s why a concentrated oil like this is worth eating regularly.
The nutrients packed within these seeds may support blood sugar levels, immunity, heart health, brain function, kidney function, and digestion.
If you’ve got problem skin though, you’ll want to rub some on.
Skin flare ups like dermatitis, eczema and dry cracked skin are painful and frustrating, but this oil has a soothing effect and can cool inflamed skin.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team
P.S. Not everyone's skin problems are caused by the same root issue. This remedy isn't a silver bullet, but it does work extremely well for a number of skin, bacterial and other conditions. There's plenty of other benefits too!
1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21815228/