Chronic Pain Affecting The Way You Live? That’s How Many With Joint Pain Feel…
Can you imagine feeling joint pain daily? Every time you get up, reach for something, or bend the wrong way… zap!
That's everyday life for those with arthritis.
People with joint pain spend 40% more time in pain than those without. (1)
If someone you care about suffers, get them to try this.
It’s a real hidden treasure, and we often recommend it to those suffering with arthritis.
It has been tested against popular anti-inflammatory options but without the chemicals or possible side effects. (2)
One of the top side effects of medications listed is pain!
The very thing you're trying to avoid.
If you’d prefer something organic and completely natural, try this pumpkin seed oil.
Take just one or two teaspoons per day.
It’s not just great for joint pain and inflammation though.
Pumpkin seed oil also supports:
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- And preventing premature hair loss
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team
1. https://www.healthline.com/health/ra-stories
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7784309/