This Parasite Survives Chlorine

This Parasite Survives Chlorine

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

North America has some of the safest drinking water in the world, and yet... there are some waterborne illnesses that are hard to get rid of.

This oil may stop growth of most waterborne parasites (1)

Most water you drink has already been filtered and treated with chemicals like chlorine... but cryptosporidium is resistant and can survive chlorine.

It's too small for most filters at 4.2 to 5.4 microns in diameter.

Cryptosporidium is is found in 65% of the surface water (I.e. rivers, lakes, and streams) tested throughout the United States. (2)

Some may have battled it in the past without realizing what it was. They'd experience stomach cramps, diarrhea or nausea and just think it was something they ate.

However, for those with compromised immune systems, it can get much worse and require medical treatment. (3)

One Way You Can Avoid Symptoms

We can't live in a bubble. We've only mentioned one of the many types of pathogens that live in wells, streams, and even city water reservoirs. 

What we can do is regularly eat foods like Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin), which has been shown to reduce growth of cryptosporidium by 68%. It's 18% more effective than garlic! (4)

Black cumin seed oil has been used for centuries to avoid pathogenic and spoilage bacteria from foods. Back then, it was extracted with steam and lost many of it's healing properties.

Research shows this may be the best oil available for fighting off parasites.

Our Cold-Pressed extraction method ensures that all the nutrients are retained in our Organic Black Cumin Seed Oil.

The best part?

All you have to do is eat it.

Here’s how this oil helps fend off parasites:

  • It makes your body inhospitable to them
    Testing showed that when you take the oil on a regular basis, it’s harder for parasites to reproduce and thus get any further in their lifecycle.
  • It’s harder for parasites to latch on in the first place
    Parasites often have special ways of attaching to the gut lining and sides of internal organs. Some use a mechanism like a microscopic suction cup. Studies showed this oil damages their ability to hold on, making it easy to flush them out.
  • This oil supports your natural immune response
    Adult parasites are hard to kill, but this oil helps. That’s because it creates oxidative stress that makes them more vulnerable to your own immune system. Some have been known to swell up and dissolve when they come into contact with this oil.

It’s especially lethal to the types that cause painful cysts.

If you know someone who suffers from abscesses or skin bumps… tell them they should try this out.

You can see the oil I’m talking about on this page.

Parasite prevention is only one of its many benefits...


Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.

And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team


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