Do You Spend A Lot Of Time Indoors? If So, You May Need This Vitamin
Some of us don't get much time outdoors. Being stuck at work, school, or at home can leave us with very little daily sunshine. Ensure your diet is rich in Vitamin-D to make up for it.
They call it “The Sunshine Vitamin” for a reason!
You can get a lot of Vitamin-D from being out in the sun, but if you spend too much time indoors, you’ll need to get more from your diet. Otherwise, your immune system, brain, and bones may not function optimally over time.
Add this to your meals to support your Vitamin-D absorption.
Vitamin D plays a vital role in your immune system.
It helps activate your white blood cells so they can fight off infections. Inadequate Vitamin-D intake may weaken your immune system and could increase your risk of infections. If you’re battling a cold or spending more time indoors, adding Vitamin-D rich foods to your diet is essential.
However, Vitamin-D is hard to absorb on its own.
That’s why I recommend eating this oil — it can aid in boosting Vitamin-D absorption. Eat it with foods that contain Vitamin-D, such as:
- Fatty fish, tuna, mackerel, and salmon
- Beef liver
- Cheese
- Egg yolks
If you don’t like any of those options, try foods fortified with extra Vitamin-D like some varieties of orange juice, soy milk, and most cereals. Vitamin-D is fat-soluble, so whatever food you decide to get it from, make sure you consume this oil first for better absorption.
Are you sure you’re getting enough?
Vitamin-D deficiency can be common, especially during certain times of the year. It’s estimated that around 1 billion people have low levels of Vitamin-D. Many people do not obtain sufficient Vitamin-D from their food because it is challenging to absorb effectively. But you can change that easily and naturally.
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And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team