Can You Support Heart Health?
In 2017, a tribe was found living in the Amazon with the lowest levels of heart disease of any population in the world.
It sparked international headlines from the United Kingdom to Australia.
Doctors, health experts, and anthropologists were shocked to find the Tsimane people who made it past childhood could live up to 70 or 80 years of age without a single sign of heart problems.
It struck a chord with cardiologists - a group five times less likely to have coronary atherosclerosis.
One big factor is a diet high in salmon, walnuts and seeds like this one
Heart health is a worldwide issue and a leading cause of death.
It’s a billion-dollar industry for the medical world with all kinds of prescriptions, surgeries, transplants, and therapies. Thankfully, it’s also one of the most preventable health problems.
In some cases, it can even show significant improvement with no signs of disease according to a study of 198 patients at a clinic in Ohio. (1)
Mother Nature’s Way to Heart Health
Keeping the heart healthy isn't hard.
Lifestyle changes like limiting alcohol, quitting smoking, reducing stress, and walking more can be a big help… but the other important factor is what you eat.
Several foods have been linked to heart problems. Things like processed meats, fast food, high-sugar foods, and those with trans fats.
Foods (like the seeds in this oil) may even support overall cardiovascular function and maintain a healthy cholesterol level.(2)
A Food That Supports Heart Health
There are hundreds of studies worldwide that show eating Flaxseed regularly can support heart health.
There are numerous benefits including:
- Reducing inflammation
- Lowering blood pressure
- Reducing risk of stroke
- Lowering blood triglyceride levels
- Reducing clot formation in the arterial lining
In 2013, researchers in Winnipeg, Canada found that regular flaxseed consumption led to a 40% reduction in artery plaque.
Flax seeds contain significant amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the omega-3 fatty acid found in fish. It’s the richest source of ALA available and is well known for its ability to support cardiovascular health.
Our Flax Seed Oil is like eating hundreds of seeds in every spoonful.
Tests show that ALA levels rise in a little under two weeks after you start adding flaxseed to your daily diet. That’s based on one or two teaspoons a day in oil form.
Like all of our products, Flax Seed Oil is pressed without heat, created from certified organic seeds, and tightly sealed in a UV light-protected Miron glass bottle.
It’s our goal to provide the most nutritious and fresh seed oil you can buy.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team
1. https://www.pcrm.org/news/health-nutrition/plant-based-diet-reverses-heart-disease
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23585134/#:~:text=Dietary%20flaxseed%20is%20a%20valuable,response%20and%20endothelium%2Ddependent%20vasorelaxation