Newly Discovered Benefits Support Bone Repair, Weight Management & Longevity
If you’ve avoided this Mediterranean seed, you may want to reconsider it.
In the past, studies showed the seed’s anti-inflammatory strength is 70% as effective as ibuprofen (Advil) but new research revealed some other wild benefits. (1)
#1. Supports bone health in rats with gum disease
In May of this year, a study in Malaysia found the seed’s oil significantly helped various dental issues. Not only does it prevent bacteria from ‘sticking’ it also helps repair and restore tissue.(2)
#2. Protects the brain from food preservatives
We always knew food additives weren’t good for you, but it turns out, eating this seed rich in thymoquinone helps mitigate inflammation caused by the nitrites in your bacon, sausage and cured meats. (3)
#3. Supports healthy aging and weight management by reducing obesity and inflammation
Four years ago, studies discovered obesity related inflammation could be significantly reduced… but on July 17th, blocking this inflammatory protein was linked to a 25-30% increase in lifespan during animal testing. (4,5)
We’ve started pressing a new batch of this oil
Our fresh batch may even be more potent than the last batches… so you can use less and get more benefit out of each bottle.
It’s worth trying for anyone wanting to support their health and overall well-being.
We can’t always avoid the elevated levels of inflammation in modern day life. We're surrounded by more toxins in the air, food and water.
Excess inflammation can make you feel tired.
Sluggishness at the start of your day and your sore back at the end could be caused by the same thing: excess inflammation.
Inflammation is our body’s natural response to infection and tissue damage.
It's essential to the healing and recovery process, but...
Excess inflammation is NOT natural and can actually cause damage.
You won’t even believe how much inflammation affects your health behind the scenes!
When our bodies function normally, inflammation is only present when we need to heal.
However, over time, poor diet or exposure to certain chemicals can limit your body’s ability to regulate inflammation.
- Swelling from inflammation pushes on nerves and causes muscle pain and cramps.
- Inflammation in the sinuses can lead to breathing problems and congestion that can interfere with healthy sleep.
- An inflamed gut can’t properly absorb nutrients from food, starving your body of fuel.
Normally, our bodies use a powerful antioxidant called glutathione to reduce inflammation.
More glutathione means less inflammation.
But... adding more to our bodies isn’t as simple as eating it...
Because by itself, glutathione is easily destroyed by our digestive system.
Luckily, there is a safe, natural way to naturally raise glutathione levels.
So, you may see more energy, less fatigue, less pain... great, right?
- Weight management
- Dental discomfort relief
- Thicker, more youthful hair growth
- Improved digestion
- Relief from respiratory issues
- Supports faster wound repair
- Clear skin
- Healthy blood pressure
- Stronger immune system
- Healthy cell growth
- Headache relief
- Improved prostate health
- ... and numerous others.
There are many ways to reduce inflammation through diet and lifestyle changes, but for immediate and measurable results, start adding Black Cumin Oil to your diet!
It's a great starting point for getting reduced inflammation and increased well-being.
Don’t spend another day fatigued and lacking energy.
Improve your digestion, breathing, and quality of sleep, all while maintaining a healthy weight and strengthening your immune system, too.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8225153/
2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-62915-1
3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-43568-x
4. https://neurosciencenews.com/inflammation-il11-longevity-26458/
5. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-86721-1