Is Joint Pain Affecting The Way You Live? The Seeds of This Fall Vegetable Could Help...
If you struggle with aches and pains, you know that even getting out of bed can be a chore. Every time you get up, reach for something or bend the wrong way… zap!
That's just everyday life for those with joint pains.
People with joint pains spend 40% more time in pain than those without. [1]
If someone you care about suffers, get them to try this.
It’s a real hidden treasure, and we often recommend it to those who struggle with arthritis, back, or knee pain.
It’s been tested against popular options out there, but of course, the oil doesn’t have the chemicals or possible side-effects. [2]
One of the top side effects of medications listed - was pain!
The very thing you're trying to avoid.
If you’d prefer to try something organic and completely natural - try more of this pumpkin oil.
Take just one or two teaspoons per day.
It’s not just useful for joint pains and inflammation though.
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- And contributes to preventing premature hair loss
Pumpkin seeds are incredibly high in antioxidants that support your body's ability to fight off disease.
It's also loaded with anti-inflammatory vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including some that are still being researched to this day.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team
1. https://www.healthline.com/health/ra-stories
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7784309/