Tired, lethargic and sore after eating?
Recognize the 'Carb Crash' Phenomenon
Sometimes, a tasty meal is just too good to pass up, but other times, foods contain enough sugar to bring our metabolism to a grinding halt.
It’s not a good feeling, but eating this may help.
For thousands of years various cultures all over the world have used this herb as a tonic for settling stomach problems, and it can also help regulate your diet.
When we eat meals high in simple sugars, all of our energy goes to processing those foods.
Can it seem like the only solutions are to rest or drink a ton of water? There might be a better option.
Enhance Metabolism and Support Digestion
This plant, also known as Chinese Parsley, has shown promising results. In animal studies, it impacted blood sugar levels positively within just a few hours.
Some human trials suggest it may increase natural insulin production.
Coriander seed nutrients can support digestion and potentially aid in calorie burning, helping with an upset stomach.
Sugar is essential for our bodies but too much can lead to discomfort and fatigue.
That's why having Coriander Seed Oil on hand may be beneficial, especially during summer BBQs and food explorations.
Be proactive in maintaining your overall health by adding a few drops of Coriander Seed Oil to your water when enjoying new foods.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team