Winter Brings A Lot Of Challenges Here’s Some Ways To Be Ready…
It’s not often all of North America experiences extreme cold or snow, but we all see a shift in temperatures, wind, and rain. It gets harder to manage as you get older.
This year, even the southern US states are expecting the chill.
In the 1800s, many spent summer canning fresh fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients over winter. Just like back then, our dark tinted glass bottles can provide you with shelf-stable nutrients that don’t require a fridge!
The Seasonal Shift Is Coming…
Here are some of nature’s remedies to help get you through the coming colder months:
Painful Joints & Winter Depression
Ever heard someone say they can feel the weather shift in their bones?
When you think of colder weather, you often think of joint pains in the knee, shoulder, and back.
Pumpkin Seed Oil can help lower the inflammation and support overall well-being.
Heart & High Blood Pressure
Cold snaps increase blood pressure and can put extra strain on the heart.
It makes the heart work harder than usual to maintain body heat and shoveling snow can make those symptoms worse.
Nothing replaces a heart-healthy diet, and some studies have indicated Flax Seed Oil may help maintain cardiovascular health.
Cold Viruses & Breathing
Ever walked outside from a warm home to colder outdoors and suddenly coughed?
The lungs know it’s cold outside and for anyone with breathing problems, it leads to even more coughing and discomfort. Since ancient times,
Black Cumin Seed Oil has been traditionally used as a respiratory remedy to support lung and immune health. More recent studies even suggest it could be beneficial during the cold season.
Winter Essentials
No matter how the winter weather shifts, we all need essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals on hand. Lots of our favorite fruits and vegetables will only be available in expensive imported varieties once the fall and winter seasons arrive.
That’s why taking some Five Seed Oil daily can help support your nutritional needs. It’s like Mother Nature’s multivitamin - packed with micronutrients that aren’t always available locally.
We hope you all have a healthy and enjoyable fall and winter in the weeks ahead as the leaves fall and the cold begins.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Seed Oils Team