Are you truly in charge of what you eat?
Some recent studies suggest we might not be in control of our diet as much as we think.
One study by the University of Pittsburgh found that microbes in animals influenced cravings for different types of food, and the same could be happening in humans.
That's likely why this changes your food cravings.
It's no secret we all have a unique microbiome.
A collection of bacteria (both good and bad) that live in our gut and influence our digestion, immune system and even our mood!
Some helpful bacteria might influence your decision to have a salad or up your protein levels for essential amino acids.
Others can make you crave sugars, salts or fats.
Those might be signs that you may have bad bacteria growing in your gut.
Scientists in Portugal discovered when testing coriander seeds that they were incredibly effective against candida, E.coli and staph.
Heard of Candida?
Candida is a type of yeast that grows in your stomach.
These candida cells grow and spread — but their presence in your gut microbiome may harm your good gut bacteria and potentially trigger allergic inflammation.
Candida has also been known to cause:
- Fatigue
- Urinary tract infections
- Digestive issues
- Skin problems
- Nail infections
Candida can even cause you to crave sugary, toxic foods and substances that will help them thrive.
So the next time you have an overwhelming craving for ice cream or some other junk food, just know…
It’s not always you craving the junk, you may be feeding the candida!
The more you feed them, the more they spread and disrupt your gut health.
It's crucial that you stop it before the growth gets out of hand.
Luckily, there are foods that don't feed candida in your gut!
In fact, it does the opposite.
Coriander is your stomach’s secret weapon against harmful candida.
This superfood oil fortifies and strengthens the most important part of your body — your digestive system.
Coriander helps to keep harmful candida at bay.
Use it daily to prepare your stomach to destroy candida before it spreads.
You’ll be shocked how much better your gut works after a few weeks.
Poor gut health causes allergic flare-ups.
Allergic flare-ups happen when the immune system housed in your gut is under attack from bad bacteria like candida.
What can you do to reduce allergic flare-ups and lessen the severity of your allergies?
Eating this oil can reduce allergic reactions by improving your gut health.
Seed oils like coriander are anti-inflammatory, and supports an environment in your gut that encourages good bacteria to grow and candida to wither.
It’s an oil I recommend anyone with digestive issues, allergies, a stuffy nose, or sinus issues start taking.
And with all the buzz around the immune system, it doesn't hurt to have all the tools you need to keep your natural defenses running smoothly.
Thank you for being a part of our Andreas Seed Oils Family! - Without you, we wouldn’t be us.
And as always... be well!
Andreas Wecker and the Andreas Seed Oils Team