News — Digestive Health

These Microbes Affect Mental Health

These Microbes Affect Mental Health

Emotions are the spice of life! However, worry isn't an enjoyable one and sometimes there's nothing that serious going on... and it could just be your gut talking. There's a significant connection between anxiety, stress and your gastrointestinal tract. Adding foods like this one to your diet could help...

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Could This Reverse Plaque Buildup In Your Body?

Could This Reverse Plaque Buildup In Your Body?

Plaque plays a big role in our lives. It’s the name given to the sticky, waxy substances like the type that forms on your teeth, or in your arteries. Those types of plaque are different, one caused by a bacteria known as gingivalis, the other caused by a high cholesterol diet, but both can be treated with this...

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Mediterranean Seed That Helps Fight Disease

Mediterranean Seed That Helps Fight Disease

Inflammation is The Root Cause of Hundreds of Health Problems.. yet the majority of those living in the Mediterranean areas never experience those illnesses. Most of them have a diet rich in seeds like this one...

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7 Signs You Need A Cleanse

7 Signs You Need A Cleanse

Do You Need To Flush Some Winter Build Up? If you’ve felt tired, stressed and aren’t sleeping well, you may find this email comforting. Many times when we can’t hit our full to-do list and start eating comfort foods, our body is telling is something. It might be time to do a spoonful of this daily for a month...

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