News — Immune Health

How Zinc Helps Fight Infection

How Zinc Helps Fight Infection

Ever Wonder Why Zinc Is A Sought After Fall Mineral? At one point, people were stockpiling zinc supplements. That's because global production has slowed. But that’s not why Zinc (found in this oil) is a hot seller. Like Vitamin C, Zinc supports the health of the immune system. (1) It’s an important mineral for the immune system. (2) The newest Zinc discovery though? Reports show it promotes respiratory health. (3) "Zinc is one of the most potent viricides in nature," Dr. Frederickson says. He also noted it’s been used since around 1500 BC as a disinfectant. "Within the human body’s...

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How Bacteria Hides

How Bacteria Hides

How Bacteria Survive Antibiotics... And Natural Remedies That Help Biofilms Are Responsible For Many Difficult Health Problems... Chances are, if you've ever had a throat you just can't seem to clear, or a productive cough that wouldn't go away, you've seen biofilm in action. Biofilms are basically a thin lining of microorganisms that group together and attach to a surface. There are good types, like the ones that line our gums, intestines and nasal passages to protect us. But there are also bad types... The most dangerous types line your gut. The protective layer of sticky sludge protects the bacteria...

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Her Rash Wouldn't Go Away

Her Rash Wouldn't Go Away

A Remedy You Can Turn To When Other Skin Products Don't Work She Tried Many Products To Relieve Her Rash A customer of ours in her 40s had an inflamed itchy patch of skin that would not go away. Her Doctors prescribed fungal creams, antibiotics and a whole host of other solutions, but none worked. Even the local naturopath's suggestions and supplements didn't help. This oil taken twice a day is what got rid of it Experts told her antibiotic resistant skin conditions like this are usually caused by gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus (MRSA). She started researching what was already...

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The Seasonal Shift Is Coming, Are You Ready?

The Seasonal Shift Is Coming, Are You Ready?

Winter Brings A Lot Of Challenges Here’s Some Ways To Be Ready… It’s not often all of North America experiences extreme cold or snow, but we all see a shift in temperatures, wind, and rain. It gets harder to manage as you get older. This year, even the southern US states are expecting the chill. In the 1800s, many spent summer canning fresh fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients over winter. Just like back then, our dark tinted glass bottles can provide you with shelf-stable nutrients that don’t require a fridge! The Seasonal Shift Is Coming… Here are some of...

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