News — Immune Health

Pandemic Virus Is On The Rise...

Pandemic Virus Is On The Rise...

2019's Respiratory Virus is Back In The Headlines... Here's One of Mother Nature's Helpers When the cold and wet weather approaches, we all anticipate some cold and flu virus activity... ...but some are much nastier than others. The virus that sparked a worldwide health concern hasn't gone away. It's just something we've learned to live with and manage and some even say it's getting weaker. Clinical trials showed eating this helped...(1) These new variants are making everyone think about their lungs — and you can see why. It causes respiratory infections, sore throat, congestion, muscle aches and the loss of...

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Liver Helper

Liver Helper

During the summer months most of us enjoy the beautiful sunny days, having a BBQ, eating over an open fire or enjoying the odd adult beverage. The uncomfortable thing is… many of the most popular summer foods and drinks may negatively impact the liver. The good news is… This oil contains a substance that supports liver health. It aides in maintaining liver function better than many other natural options. Why is it such an important organ? The liver does a lot more than most realize. It’s responsible for: Filtering out toxins from the blood Breaking down fatty foods Helping absorb...

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Why Vitamin D May Not Absorb

Why Vitamin D May Not Absorb

Do You Spend A Lot Of Time Indoors? If So, You May Need This Vitamin Some of us don't get much time outdoors. Being stuck at work, school, or at home can leave us with very little daily sunshine. Ensure your diet is rich in Vitamin-D to make up for it. They call it “The Sunshine Vitamin” for a reason! You can get a lot of Vitamin-D from being out in the sun, but if you spend too much time indoors, you’ll need to get more from your diet. Otherwise, your immune system, brain, and bones may not function optimally...

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There Will Be 19 Million 85 Year Olds

There Will Be 19 Million 85 Year Olds

How Long (and How Healthy) Do You Want To Live? In just 25 years, researchers are predicting the number of people aged 85 and older will increase by over 250% (1) Are you going to be one of them? With all the medical advancements made, it's not impossible… The REAL question is, will you still have energy and vibrance when you get there. Living to a ripe old age is one thing, but quality of life is just as important, if you want to enjoy those retirement years. Turns out, genetics aren't holding you back. (2) Science says it's mainly...

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