News — Heart Health
Health Problems We All Worry About
The Top Health Problems Facing People in North America Despite all the incredible breakthroughs, research, and hundreds of years of medicinal information available, we still struggle with common health problems. We can blame the air, drinking water, or even the soil our food is grown in... but, we can't really avoid all toxins. Our bodies are incredibly good at adapting, detoxing, and healing—as long as they have the right tools. The Most Common Health Problems: High blood pressure Depression High cholesterol Coronary artery disease Type 2 diabetes Ever wonder why some make it to the ripe old age of 90...
Joint Pains? Try This Oil
Chronic Pain Affecting The Way You Live? That’s How Many With Joint Pain Feel… Can you imagine feeling joint pain daily? Every time you get up, reach for something, or bend the wrong way… zap! That's everyday life for those with arthritis. People with joint pain spend 40% more time in pain than those without. (1) If someone you care about suffers, get them to try this. It’s a real hidden treasure, and we often recommend it to those suffering with arthritis. It has been tested against popular anti-inflammatory options but without the chemicals or possible side effects. (2) One...
The Seasonal Shift Is Coming, Are You Ready?
Winter Brings A Lot Of Challenges Here’s Some Ways To Be Ready… It’s not often all of North America experiences extreme cold or snow, but we all see a shift in temperatures, wind, and rain. It gets harder to manage as you get older. This year, even the southern US states are expecting the chill. In the 1800s, many spent summer canning fresh fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients over winter. Just like back then, our dark tinted glass bottles can provide you with shelf-stable nutrients that don’t require a fridge! The Seasonal Shift Is Coming… Here are some of...
Countries With Few Heart Problems
Can You Support Heart Health? In 2017, a tribe was found living in the Amazon with the lowest levels of heart disease of any population in the world. It sparked international headlines from the United Kingdom to Australia. Doctors, health experts, and anthropologists were shocked to find the Tsimane people who made it past childhood could live up to 70 or 80 years of age without a single sign of heart problems. It struck a chord with cardiologists - a group five times less likely to have coronary atherosclerosis. One big factor is a diet high in salmon, walnuts and...
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